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Julia Kupke

Yin Yoga Teacher Training – Taoism, Anatomy and Sequencing, Module 1 (50h) with Biff Mithoefer, Cécile Roubaud & Julia Kupke – online

Online, via Zoom
Sonntag, 05. September bis Freitag, 10. September

We are happy to offer this training online with Biff Mithoefer and two senior teachers (Julia Kupke and Cécile Roubaud).
We will have also musicians guests along the training.
You only need the free version of Zoom on your computer.

All the teachings are recorded, and you will have a 30 days access to them if you cannot attend some sessions (but we do encourage you are present with the online sessions). The sharings will not be recorded.

About Module 1:

In this six day training we examine the philosophical, anatomical and energetic aspects of Yin Yoga.

We look at the relationship of Yin and Yang from a Taoist point of view.  By understanding this relationship and the archetypes of Yin and Yang we can understand more clearly what the practice of Yin Yoga is really about.

By studying anatomy as it applies to a Yin practice, we gain a basic understanding of the relationship of Yin and Yang within the body. We look at the movement of energy through the Taoist meridian system, examining how it can be affected by Yin postures. This anatomical approach and the understanding of how energy may be affected in the practice helps us create a practice for ourselves and our students. Much of the time during this first training is spent examining the postures themselves.

We look at how each posture can affect us from a physical, energetic, and emotional point of view. With this holistic approach, we develop the tools needed to create a sequence and class that reflects our own unique point of view and individual practice.

The training will consist of approximately 45 contact hours. In order to receive a certificate of completion, I will ask each student, during the 30 days following the training, to complete an additional 5 hours of independent study. After completing the independent study, each student will communicate their experience to me by mail or email. Your communication won’t be judged or graded. and upon completion each participant will receive a certificate reflecting 50 hours of Yin Yoga Teacher Training.

This training includes:

  • Taoist philosophy
  • The Yin practice of non-striving and how it influences our lives and our teaching
  • The movement of Qi or Prana in the body, and how it can be affected by Yin practice
  • Anatomy and understanding of our own natural pattern
  • Understanding postures and sequencing a Yin class
  • What it means to hold a safe, sacred space for a Yin practice

Training Schedule:

Timezone CEST

Day 1
7:30 – 9:30 pm – Intro and Evening Session

Day 2-5
07:30 – 09:30 am – Morning Practice
09:30 – 10:30 am – Breakfast Break
10:30 – 01:30 pm – Morning Session
01:30 – 02:30 pm – Lunch Break
02:30 – 06:00 pm – Afternoon Session

Day 3 & 5
07:30 – 09:30 pm – Evening Session

Day 6
07:30 – 09:30 am – Morning Practice
09:30 – 10:30 am – Breakfast Break
10:30 – 01:30 pm – Morning Session and Closing Circle

Biff will join the circle online in the afternoons and for the evening classes.
Practices and lectures will be recorded and are available for the participants for some time after the training.


Tuition & Registration:

Tuition: 690 Euro

Registration: Please contact Cécile at for registration and further information.


Visit to learn more about Biff Mithoefer and the Jamtse School of Yin Yoga.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the circle.


Biff, Cécile & Julia
