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Julia Kupke

Holding Space to Create Safe and Supportive Environments – An Immersive Weekend with Biff Mithoefer, Michael Mithoefer, Annie Mithoefer and Julia Kupke

Munich, Ligsalzstr. 12
Samstag, 21. September bis Sonntag, 22. September

What is this immersion about?

In this immersive weekend we will look closely into the question of what it means to be fully present for another person. To do this we must first of all explore our relation to being truly present for ourselves and how holding space for ourselves relates to our capacity to holding space for others.

During these two days, we’ll use a more interdisciplinary lens to guide us in our exploration. Joining Biff Mithoefer with his experience in Yin Yoga and his understanding of cross-cultural shamanism as taught by Angeles Arrien, Dr. Michael and Annie Mithoefer will bring a perspective gained from their background working in MDMA Assisted Therapy, and their years working as Grof-certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitators. Julia Kupke joins the training with her perspective on body- and awareness-oriented practices and methods that bridge mindfulness and contemplative programs with modern somatic approaches as well as her background in teaching Strala and Yin Yoga trainings.

The practice of Yin Yoga allows us to listen to ourselves through our body, revealing the stories it holds and carries. From a place of presence, kindness, softness and acceptance we’re able to hold space for ourselves and to stay in contact with pleasant and unpleasant observations and sensations. The Yin practice offers an elegant way to practice presence with our mind and body in an integrative way and to encounter seemingly challenging and heavy aspects within ourselves with love and compassion. The practice carries potential to support transformational and healing processes as a preparation, to support while processing and also to integrate our experiences afterwards.

Being aware of these aspects we can learn from the Yin practice itself to create and hold space for other people’s experiences. This can vary from the setting of offering yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices, to working with people in a therapeutic context to simply being present with people in a private or work environment.

Creating and holding space for others are words that need to be filled with meaning and intention. Holding space starts with holding space for ourselves. From this foundation we’re able to hold space for other people.

We offer support without interfering,

we join without merging,

and guide without controlling.

As we are aware of our own stories, we can leave behind our projections toward others and become an ally on someone else’s journey. It’s a way of caring deeply without attachment and prejudice.

Which topics will we look at during the weekend?

  • The meaning of presence for ourselves
  • The importance of self-awareness
  • Exploring how to hold space for our own processes and stories
  • The link between connection and boundaries
  • Safety and support in challenging situations
  • Stepping out of our own projections

During the weekend we will practice Yin Yoga and other body- and mindfulness-oriented practices. We will use discussion and sharing to examine different perspectives and using exercises to practice and experience the aspects discussed, creating a field of experiential learning.

On both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we will be joined through Zoom by Michael and Annie Mithoefer. Michael and Annie have been the senior researchers for studies of the use of MDMA-assisted Therapy for the treatment of PTSD, sponsored by the MAPS (multidiscipline association for psychedelic studies) and by Lykos Therapeutics (formally MAPS Public Benefit Corp). Julia will guide a discussion as Michael, Annie and Biff examine the ways their practices support each other in creating and holding space for others to have deep emotional and spiritual experiences.

Whom is this immersive weekend for?

This weekend is a great experience-oriented continuing education for people  who hold space for other people in their professional and personal lives. Therapists, coaches bodyworkers, meditation and mindfulness teachers, guides and facilitators may benefit from this weekend as well as anyone who feels inspired to deepen their relationship with themselves and others.


When: Saturday, 21st and Sunday, 22nd of September 2024
Time: Saturday 10 – 18, Sunday 9 – 17
Where: Munich, Alte Westend Apotheke, Ligsalzstr. 12
Price: 390 Euro early bird until 31st of July / 450 Euro regular price
Teachers: Biff Mithoefer, Michael Mithoefer, Annie Mithoefer & Julia Kupke
